Hand-painted ‘Meadow Wedding’ cake


So I seem to have unintentionally created a few cakes which ‘talk’ about meadows, fields and gardens. But I really can’t help it and as I have said before, my favourite time of year is spring and meadows encompass that.


I’m inspired just by the thought of the texture in meadows. Where spiky straw waves in the breeze, nestled amongst the overgrown grass and the impossibly paper-thin blossoms. The reliable bursts of English rain and scattered sun makes the plants go wild (get it) and everything just seems to ‘get on’ until later in the year when it withers and decides it needs some green fingered attention.


And don’t even get me started on the colours of Spring. The gentle yellow that seems to sit on top of our blue sky, like a giant buttercup is seeing if the world likes butter… and the world is saying, “I do, I love butter!”
(sorry, that might just have been something that I did at school? Where you hold a buttercup under you chin and if it reflects yellow on your skin, you like butter…it was a great game…) And whilst I am on the subject, and if you have seen many of my cakes before, you will know I can’t stick to a particular colour scheme, so spring is perfect for me! Every colour imaginable is popping up in gardens and window boxes and even by the side of the road; violets/blues/reds/pinks and if you squint you could just as well be seeing an artists paint palette, all the colours smudging together in wild, unhindered blobs. (blobs… a very technical term!)

display board meadow

So this cake, it is for my Lorna’s Cakery stand at my first wedding fair in February. I will have (well the plan is anyway) 3 other wedding cakes and a cupcake bouquet. I really need to ‘showcase’ myself, because I know I can create cakes that brides and grooms will adore, and ones that will highlight the individuality of the couple and their marriage. So, this year is year of the wedding fair. Fingers crossed!
The show opens at 10.30-4pm, on 10th Feb Landmarks Arts Centre, Teddington. Come along, bring a bride!

One thought on “Hand-painted ‘Meadow Wedding’ cake

  1. Pingback: My Cakery’s First Wedding Fair! | Lorna's Cakery

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